The Pretty Girls 10-Step Guide To Getting Your Life Together

Everybody has a flop era… or twenty. If you’re in one of yours right now, we’re here to help get you out of it.

Image: Instagram/OliviaRodrigo

Everybody has a flop era… or twenty. If you’re in one of yours right now, we’re here to help get you out of it. Cheers to leveling up and unlocking the potential you’ve always dreamed of. Let’s do this!

Prioritize Self-Care:

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Dedicate time each day to your physical and mental well-being. Establish a self-care routine that aligns with your needs, whether it’s meditation, exercise, journaling, or indulging in a favorite hobby.

Set Clear Goals:

Set clear, achievable goals. Then, break them down into smaller, manageable steps, and make a plan to accomplish them. Having a roadmap gives you direction and motivates you to take action. Little wins are still wins, and each thing you accomplish gives you a sense of fulfillment.

Time Management:

Time is such a valuable thing. We could all use it a bit more wisely. Schedule your day by writing when you need something done and stick to that schedule. Be on time with obligations and focus on getting things done in a timely fashion.

Declutter and Organize:

A cluttered space often leads to a cluttered mind. Declutter your physical environment regularly. I know it can seem daunting especially if it’s at the depression room level that many of us know all too well. However, you can tackle one area at a time, be it your closet, workspace, or even just making your bed. Keep only what sparks joy and serves a purpose, and tuck away everything else.

Healthy Habits:

Eating well, staying active, and getting enough sleep will elevate your life exceptionally. Personally, I struggle to maintain healthy habits because a lot of the time the healthier choice is the harder one. However, when I do, I feel so much better about myself. Having a balanced lifestyle supports your physical and mental health, which is so important. Start small by going to sleep an hour earlier, eating an extra vegetable a day, or even cutting down on screen time.

Life and Self-Reflection:

Take time to reflect on your life. No matter where we are in life, we are all living in at least one blessing. Reflecting on how far you’ve come helps you grow and move forward. Regularly journaling your thoughts and feelings can help you gain clarity and insight.

Continuous Learning:

Whether it’s picking up a new skill, enrolling in courses, or reading, always have a thirst for knowledge. We can always know and do more, and that hunger can spark an excitement in you that you’ve been missing. Lifelong learning not only keeps your mind sharp but also opens doors to new opportunities.


Knowing that you are worthy, beautiful, and one of a kind is crucial. When someone believes in themselves and is truly confident, that energy radiates and others will believe it. If you aren’t feeling it right now, do things that make you feel your best. Dress up and pretend you’re that girl. Fake it until you make it! It is also important to build a strong support system of friends, mentors, and like-minded individuals who make you feel your best and support you. These are the people who will lift you up during hard times.

Embrace Failure and Resilience:

Embrace failure as a stepping stone to growth. Whether it’s not getting the job, flopping on social media, or getting ghosted by that guy, you must have the ability to bounce back stronger after setbacks. For so many people, the success they have craved for so long was right behind their setback and they would have missed it if they hadn’t gotten back up. Resilience is a crucial trait in getting your life together and achieving your goals.

Practice Gratitude:

Cultivate a mindset of gratitude. Regularly acknowledge and appreciate the positive aspects of your life. Gratitude can shift your perspective, increase happiness, and bring a sense of fulfillment to your journey. Good things have happened, and great things are coming. You got this!

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