It Girl Behaviors

You’re that girl. Act like it.

Image: Instagram/sofiarichiegrainge

Think of your favorite It girl. I bet you they all have these things in common!

1. Be Kind

Kindness is a common theme for it girls. No one likes people who are rude or judgemental. Be someone that others love to be around.

2. Mind Yours

Stay in your lane, and focus on your own life and future. Nobody else’s life or situation affects yours so there’s no point in focusing on them.

3. Non-Confrontational

Now, this doesn’t mean don’t stick up for yourself or don’t rightfully engage in a conflict. This just means that if a confrontation does arise, state your case, and do what you can to ease the situation, but don’t allow yourself to go back and forth and step out of your character.

4. Privacy

‘It Girls’ don’t feel the need to splash every detail of their life all over social media. They have secrets and private cherished moments. There is power in your privacy. Use it.

5. Hard Working

Whether it’s a hobby, a job, or a career make sure you have something you are passionate about. Don’t be lazy and always be looking to improve.

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